The Ontological Meaning of Subject in Sport Activity 스포츠 활동에 있어서 주체의 존재론적 의미
50(1) 1-10, 2011
The Ontological Meaning of Subject in Sport Activity 스포츠 활동에 있어서 주체의 존재론적 의미
This study was to reinterpret the problem of subject through the movement of the human body. Traditionally, there has been some theory that interpreted humans as being ideal in the western philosophy. However, the idealism that divides human beings into mind and body is an incomplete explanation, because mind-body dualism overlooks the true meaning of body in human existence. This study analyzed the reason why idealism results in solipsism in the absence of the other, and explored the concept of the recovery of the subject for the appearance of the performer in sport activity. In this respect, Levinas' discussion of otherness proves to be a good guide for new aspects of subject. The movement of sport is neither mechanical nor physiological muscular activity, but is the strong moment of existence communing with the other without separation of body and mind. At this time, the performer gradually forms new self-consciousness with the body and mental changes which occur in the corporal contact. Sport is a medium to consider the self through acknowledging difference with others. For this reason, having an ethical attitude is preferable in sport activity, because the peculiarity of the other never will be subject. From this consideration, it is clear that sport activity is an ontological engagement which heightens the meaning of existence through the relationship with the other.
Key Words
mind-body dualism, otherness, movement of sport, corporal contact, ontological engagement 1
The Role of Media in the Sport Policy Decision-Making Process: A Case of a Fire Incident in the Training Camp of Cheonan Primary School Football Club 스포츠정책 결정과정에서의 미디어 역할: 2003년 천안초등학교 축구부 합숙소 화재 사건을 중심으로
임태성TaeSeungLim , 박재우JaeWooPark
50(1) 11-23, 2011
The Role of Media in the Sport Policy Decision-Making Process: A Case of a Fire Incident in the Training Camp of Cheonan Primary School Football Club 스포츠정책 결정과정에서의 미디어 역할: 2003년 천안초등학교 축구부 합숙소 화재 사건을 중심으로
임태성TaeSeungLim , 박재우JaeWooPark
This paper firstly explored mechanism of sport policy decision-making process through a case of a fire incident in the training camp of Cheonan primary school football team. Particular attention was paid to the role of media in the policy decision-making process. To do so, this study's analysis was based upon a series of four stages with slight modifications, identified in Parson's (1995) 'The Media and Public Panic' and Cohen's (1972) ‘Folk Devils and Moral Panics’ in relation to the role of media and policy response: 1) the occurrence of an incident; 2) media reporting; 3) change in public opinion; and 4) policy response. On this basis, it is concluded that this study supported Kim's (2006) theoretical discussion that a social-critical function of media can change public opinion, which may result in changing national policies as it demonstrated that journalism's critical coverage and function played an important role in bring about the change of public opinion which appeared to have put pressure on policy-makers (government officials) to do something.
Key Words
sport policy, policy decision-making process, Cheonan primary school football team, media, public opinion
Improvement Strategies to Activate Voluntary Work Relative to Major of Physical Education College Students 체육전공 대학생의 전공연계 자원봉사활동 활성화 방안
이현신XianChenLi , 김찬룡ChanRyongKim
50(1) 25-34, 2011
Improvement Strategies to Activate Voluntary Work Relative to Major of Physical Education College Students 체육전공 대학생의 전공연계 자원봉사활동 활성화 방안
이현신XianChenLi , 김찬룡ChanRyongKim
This research has analyzed on the current status voluntary work and proposed the improvement strategies to activate voluntary work of the college students who are majoring in physical education. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, 369 enrolled students in physical education department from 4 different universities located in B city has been selected as subject for this research. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's α has adapted to confirm questionnaire's reliability and validity. Therefore, t-test, χ2, one-way ANOVA was adapted to analysis the current status of voluntary work of physical education college students. The level of significance for statistics has been established as α<.05. The concrete research results were as followed; First, as the analysis result of actual participation in voluntary work related to their major, 46% of the students have answered that they have participated in voluntary work related to their subject, however continual participation was 15.7%. Furthermore, lack of information(43.1%), devoted to school work(21.7%) was the cause for the nonparticipation factor by both male and female students. Second, improvement strategies of voluntary work of physical education college students were education and motivation towards P.E majoring students to participate voluntary work, establishment of exclusive institute related to voluntary work, support system, curriculum that is related to voluntary work, and various incentive systems.
Key Words
volunteer, physical education, college students
Recognitions About Elite Athletes of Sports Culture and Human Rights by Socio-demographic Variables 인구사회학적 변인별 엘리트선수의 스포츠 문화와 인권에 관한 인식
50(1) 35-44, 2011
Recognitions About Elite Athletes of Sports Culture and Human Rights by Socio-demographic Variables 인구사회학적 변인별 엘리트선수의 스포츠 문화와 인권에 관한 인식
The purpose of this study is to recognition of sports culture and human rights in elite athletes. For it, this study carried out complete enumeration after selecting population as 371 national representative athletes who trained by entering T athletes' village from April 10, 2008 to May 10. Items in which the survey subjects are participating, were totally 16 contests such as athletics, gymnastics(apparatus), swimming(elite), archery, weight-lifting, biathlon, ice(speed), ice(short track), badminton, fencing, ping-pong, judo, taekwondo, wrestling, hockey, and volleyball including all of individual, man-to-man, and team events. This study collected questionnaires that were completed, after making the questionnaire contents responded with self-administration method following widely distributing questionnaires to survey subjects, and individually inputted 293 analytical and useful materials finally in computer by case. The inputted data was carried out factor analysis for verifying feasibility of questionnaire and was calculated Cronbach's α value for verifying reliability by applying SPSS 15.0 program. Also, to examine survey subjects' characteristics, the frequency analysis was carried out. The mean and the standard deviation by each variable were analyzed. And, to verify difference between groups, t-test and one-way ANOVA were carried out. Duncan-test was performed as post-test. As a result of researching, it was indicated that there is statistically significant difference(or not significant difference) by gender, by age, by academic background, and by sport item on sub-variables of sports culture and human rights in elite athletes.
Key Words
elite athletes, national representative athletes, sports culture, human rights
Test of a Proposed Conceptual Model on Behavior Fit Between Coaches and Athletes 스포츠 지도자와 선수의 행동부합에 관한 개념모형 제안
최마리MaReeChoi , 김병준ByoungJunKim
50(1) 45-56, 2011
Test of a Proposed Conceptual Model on Behavior Fit Between Coaches and Athletes 스포츠 지도자와 선수의 행동부합에 관한 개념모형 제안
최마리MaReeChoi , 김병준ByoungJunKim
Including multi-dimensional sport leadership models, most of sports leadership models associate interaction between coaches and athletes directly with athletic performance. This study proposed a new leadership model in sport that includes leader-member exchange (LMX), intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy as process variables between behavior fit, which indicates interaction between coaches and athletes, and athletic performance. Data on behavior fit, LMX, intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, and athletic performance were collected from 752 badminton players. According to the results of analyses, no significant path was found between intrinsic motivation and athletic performance in the initial research model proposed based on sport leadership models and previous studies. We removed the intrinsic motivation, and refined the model through two revisions. Finally, a model was adopted in which the higher behavior fit between coaches and athletes is the higher the LMX is, and LMS has a positive effect on athletic performance via self-efficacy. In the conceptual leadership model on behavior fit proposed in this study, LMX and self-efficacy play important roles in the process that behavior fit between coach and athlete influences athletic performance.
Self-handicapping in Physical Education: Implicit Theory of Ability and Achievement Goal Orientation 체육수업의 자기핸디캡: 능력에 대한 암묵적 믿음과 성취 목표성향의 역할
50(1) 57-69, 2011
Self-handicapping in Physical Education: Implicit Theory of Ability and Achievement Goal Orientation 체육수업의 자기핸디캡: 능력에 대한 암묵적 믿음과 성취 목표성향의 역할
This study was aimed to demonstrate the difference and relationship between ability beliefs, achievement goal orientation and selfhandicapping. The participants were 1043 high school students and the data were collected usings a questionnaire concerning the Nature of Sport Ability, Achievement Goal Orientation and SelfHandicapping for Physical Education. The data were analyzed by Descriptive statistics, MANOVA, Correlation analysis and step-wise Multiple Regression analysis. The Results are showed as follows: First, the 3rd grade students showed less impression management and reliance on injury but the showed more persistence. Second, students with a high beliefs of fixed ability and ego orientation showed more mental preparedness for exercise, reliance on injury. on the other hand, the students with a beliefs of incremental ability and task orientation showed the less mental preparedness for exercise, reliance on injury and impression management but the showed more persistence. third, the belief of fixed or stable ability and ego orientation influenced the mental preparedness for exercise, reliance on injury and impression management. but the task orientation and the belief of incremental ability influenced the persistence. I discussed the self-handicapping according to the results and suggest the direction of future research and meaning of physical education.
Impacts on Self-determination of Health Club Members to Change Stage of Exercise Behaviors 헬스클럽 회원의 자결성 동기가 운동행동 변화단계에 미치는 영향
홍준희JunHeeHong , 박혜연HyeYounPark , 박정희JungHeePark
50(1) 71-81, 2011
Impacts on Self-determination of Health Club Members to Change Stage of Exercise Behaviors 헬스클럽 회원의 자결성 동기가 운동행동 변화단계에 미치는 영향
홍준희JunHeeHong , 박혜연HyeYounPark , 박정희JungHeePark
The purpose of this study was to verify impacts of motivation of self-decision of members of health club on change stage of exercise behavior. Subject of investigation set male and female members over 20 years old adults using health clubs located in Gangbuk of Seoul Special City as population group and using stratified cluster random sampling, total 300 people were extracted. Completed questionnaires were collected and only 255 questionnaires, were used. The data were analyzed with using SPSS 17.0 program after recovering completed questionnaires. Analysis technique used for analyzing data were exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, One-way ANOVA and discriminant analysis. The following conclusion was drawn out according to this research method. First, no-motivation, external regulation, obligatory regulation and internal motivation, which were sub variables of self-decision motivation according to change stages of exercise behaviors of members of health clubs, showed meaningful differences statistically(p<.05, p<.001). Second, it was found out that internal motivation and no-motivation among behavior regulation variable of members of health clubs discriminate change stage of exercise behavior and discriminant probability of change stage of exercise behavior was appeared in sequence of maintenance stage (66.7%), preparation stage (52.4%) and practice stage (39.4%) and accuracy of discrimination throughout the entire stages of exercise behavior was reported as 56.1%.
Key Words
self-determination, health club members, change stage of exercise behaviors, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
The Component and Profile of Parental Social Support in Youth Sport 청소년 스포츠에서 선수들이 지각한 부모의 사회적 지지 구성요소와 프로파일
성창훈SeongChang-Hoon , 유승준YooSung-Jun
50(1) 83-92, 2011
The Component and Profile of Parental Social Support in Youth Sport 청소년 스포츠에서 선수들이 지각한 부모의 사회적 지지 구성요소와 프로파일
성창훈SeongChang-Hoon , 유승준YooSung-Jun
This study was to verify the structure of parental social support that has a great influence on sport socialization for youth athletes and to investigate profile in accordance with sex and grade. For this, we developed the scale of Korean Parental Sport Social Support based on previous studies and identified the factor structure that is inherent in parental social support from 741 athletes who are attending middle or high school. The validity was verified via exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, and an analysis of profile was investigated through ANOVA and MANOVA. As a result, parental social support that youth athletes perceive was identified with fifth dimensions such as material, emotional, informative, health and behavioral support. These five factors were able to converge into unidimensional concept via high-order factor analysis. Futhermore, male and high school athletes perceived to receive more parental social support compared to female and middle school athletes. These results were discussed related to understanding about parental socialization and future research subjects within Korean sport culture.
Key Words
social support, parent, youth sport
Cultivating Sport Literacy: Reexamining the Purpose of Elementary Physical Education for Whole Person 운동소양의 함양: 전인교육을 위한 초등체육의 목적 재검토
최의창EuiChangChoi , 전세명SeaMyungJeon
50(1) 93-107, 2011
Cultivating Sport Literacy: Reexamining the Purpose of Elementary Physical Education for Whole Person 운동소양의 함양: 전인교육을 위한 초등체육의 목적 재검토
최의창EuiChangChoi , 전세명SeaMyungJeon
The purpose of this study is to reexamine the goal of elementary physical education(EPE) for whole person. In recent years, discussions on EPE in Korea have been focused on the content and methods of teaching. Such ideas as movement education, TGfU, and co-operative learning are well introduced and sometimes practiced in schools. However, academic attention on the purpose of EPE is needed in order to revitalize it. This study introduces the concept of sport literacy as the proper goal of EPE for whole person education. First, the nature of EPE is explored with regard to the concept of rhythm of education by Alfred N. Whitehead and the concept of whole person. Second, a newly introduced concept of physical literacy from England is examined and a modified version of sport literacy is developed. Sport literacy is consisted of sport knowledge, sport competence, and sport disposition. These three components of sport literacy are explained in relation to the education of whole person. It is suggested that an integrated approach to teaching EPE would be required in order to achieve the purpose, and the evidence from studies on Hanaro Teaching model conducted in EPE settings is reviewed for its applicability. Three suggestions for future research and practice are provided.
Research on Instructional Design and Practice for Developing of Pre-service Teachers's Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK of P.E.) in Volleyball Lesson 예비체육교사의 내용 교수 지식(체육과 PCK) 발달을 위한 배구 수업 설계 및 실행 연구
50(1) 109-122, 2011
Research on Instructional Design and Practice for Developing of Pre-service Teachers's Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK of P.E.) in Volleyball Lesson 예비체육교사의 내용 교수 지식(체육과 PCK) 발달을 위한 배구 수업 설계 및 실행 연구
Pre-service P.E. teacher's education had to be based on pedagogical content knowledge(PCK) of P.E.. However, the curriculum in department of physical education was maintained as a segmented-learning. For solving theses problems, a practical skill lesson to provide PCK of P.E. was paid attention by researchers. So, the purposes of this study were to, first, design volleyball lesson to develop pre-service P.E. teacher's PCK, second, explore educational meanings of the volley lesson through practicing the plan and analyzing the practiced results, third, provide educational ways of the practical skill lesson. The results were as followings. Pre-service P.E. teachers, first, experienced content knowledge in relation with cognition/ affection/ psychomotor in the volleyball lesson, second, could draw practical teaching situation to teach volleyball in actual P.E. of themselves, third, acquired knowledge to design volleyball curriculum. Lastly, I provided educational ways of practical skill lesson for pre-service P.E. teachers in basis of these results.
Series Impact: The Formation Processes of Sport Event Legacy 시리즈 효과: 스포츠이벤트 레거시의 형성과정
50(1) 123-137, 2011
Series Impact: The Formation Processes of Sport Event Legacy 시리즈 효과: 스포츠이벤트 레거시의 형성과정
In spite of the importance of sport event legacy which generally means the outcomes of sport event, there have been insufficient discussions on the concept of event legacy and failed to reach common agreement on it's concepts and formation processes. The purpose of this study is two fold: One is to propose the conceptual framework for the definition and the measurement of the sport event legacy. The other is to explore the formation processes of sport event legacies analysing previous study and the cases of sport events held in Korea. The results of this study are as follows; 1) the lasting timeline of a single sport event's legacy could be limited when the same or similar sport event is held in the same host city. 2) the sport event legacy could be conceptualized and measured as the net total amount of impact through hosting the sport event in terms of the scope. 3) the sport event legacy is not derived from the output of hosting sport event but rather outcomes which formated ‘series impact’ from the processes of sport event operations.
Key Words
Legacy, sport event, series impact, formation processes
Helping Behavior for Sports Team as a Function of Fan's Moods and Fanship 팬들의 팀친화적 행위에 관한 연구: 무드와 팬십을 중심으로
50(1) 139-146, 2011
Helping Behavior for Sports Team as a Function of Fan's Moods and Fanship 팬들의 팀친화적 행위에 관한 연구: 무드와 팬십을 중심으로
This study examined the functionality of moods and fanship for helping behavior for sports team. First, the impact of pleasant and unpleasant moods on the willingness to help sports team were explored. Second, the impact of the level of fanship on the willingness to help sports team were explored. The experiments were conducted with a total of 102 students in University of Connecticut. Before starting the experiment, subjects reported their fanship for the college basketball team, In this study, non-fan were excluded from this experiment. Subjects' moods were manipulated by watching basketball games. After watching games, subjects reported intention of helping the basketball team. The results showed that moods induced by sports program did not influence helping behavior for sport team. This finding is contradictory to the idea, which is supported by previous research in social psychology, that happy people are likely to engage in pro-social behavior. However, this study found that fanship moderated the helping behavior. People with the high level of fanship were more likely to engage in helping behavior than those with the low level of fanship. Limitation and Implications of these findings are discussed.
Key Words
moods, fanship, prosocial behavior
The Relationships Among Brand Equity, Brand Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Attitude, and Revisit Intention in Golf 골프장 브랜드자산 측정요인과 브랜드가치, 고객만족, 브랜드 태도, 재방문의도와의 관계
곽민석MinSeokKwak , 조광민KwangMinCho
50(1) 147-160, 2011
The Relationships Among Brand Equity, Brand Value, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Attitude, and Revisit Intention in Golf 골프장 브랜드자산 측정요인과 브랜드가치, 고객만족, 브랜드 태도, 재방문의도와의 관계
곽민석MinSeokKwak , 조광민KwangMinCho
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship among brand equity, brand value, customer satisfaction, brand attitude, and revisit intention in golf. The subjects were golfers in Korea, and total 339 surveys were used for the actual analysis. For the analysis of data, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, model fit evaluation, and path analysis were used. The statistical significance level was set at α<.05. The results were as follows. First, the result of analyzing from brand equity of golf course showed 4 factors; brand awareness, brand image, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. Second, brand equity of golf course had a significant influence on brand value, brand attitude, and customer satisfaction. Third, brand value had a significant influence on customer satisfaction and brand attitude, but had no significant influence on revisit intention. Fourth, customer satisfaction had a significant influence on brand attitude and revisit intention. Fifth, brand attitude had a significant influence on revisit intention.
Relations Between Satisfaction with Participation in Sports Events and District Image 스포츠 이벤트의 참여만족과 지역 이미지와의 관계
문선호SunHoMun , 조태수TaeSooCho
50(1) 161-173, 2011
Relations Between Satisfaction with Participation in Sports Events and District Image 스포츠 이벤트의 참여만족과 지역 이미지와의 관계
문선호SunHoMun , 조태수TaeSooCho
This research is aimed at suggesting the effectiveness as marketing value which sports events offer through the analysis of the empirical relations in which facilities, service, benefits, transportation, cost satisfaction among the factors sports events offer have an effect on district image, and the analysis of the relations between the district image and participants' re-visit behaviors. This research proceeded with its study targeting the enrolled university students[undergraduates and graduates] who participated in sports event that was held at P metropolitan city from Jan. to June, 2010. This research conducted a survey after explaining its study purpose and intent to the students participating in the sports event using convenience sampling method; thus, this research drew forth the results as follows: First, satisfaction with the benefits of sports event had a positive effect on district image. Second, satisfaction with transportation of sports event had a positive effect on district image. Third, satisfaction with the cost of sports event had a positive effect on district image. Fourth, district image had a positive effect on re-visit behaviors.
Key Words
sports event, satisfaction with transportation, image, re-visit behaviors
cultivating Sport Literacy: Reexamining the Purpose of Elementary Physical Education for Whole Person 남자 중학교 생활체육 유도선수의 수련과정에 대한 근거 이론적 접근
김동현DongHyunKim , 윤양진YangJinYoon
50(1) 175-185, 2011
cultivating Sport Literacy: Reexamining the Purpose of Elementary Physical Education for Whole Person 남자 중학교 생활체육 유도선수의 수련과정에 대한 근거 이론적 접근
김동현DongHyunKim , 윤양진YangJinYoon
The purpose of this research is to reveal perceptions and experiences of male middle school Sport for all Judo Player during Training through the grounded theory which is one of qualitative study methods. 11 male middle school students of B judo studio located in a metropolitan city were selected as research participants by purposive sampling method, and both in-depth interviewing and participant observation were conducted to accomplish the purpose. The data analysis draw a conclusion of concepts by grounded theory method suggested by Strauss and Corbin, and composed coding paradigm to investigate connections among the concepts. in order to analyze actual experiences about male middle school students training, participation of judo training was major phenomena to be analyzed, and causal situations appeared as a perception of necessity for exercises. In this situation, recommendations of surrounding and voluntary participations were also reflected. All the research participants were trying to maintain judo training by experience of success, support of major other people, hindrances of environment and surrounding people, frustrating experience of acquisition of skills, and for the action/interaction tragedy, efforts to improve skills, solution about surrounding hindrances of participation and experiences of alterations were appeared. After all, it was appeared that all participants were maintaining their judo training by experiencing success and supports of major other people during training processes.
Key Words
judo training, male middle school student, grounded theory
Legal Study on the Sports Tourism Accidents 스포츠관광 사고에 관한 법적 고찰
50(1) 187-196, 2011
Legal Study on the Sports Tourism Accidents 스포츠관광 사고에 관한 법적 고찰
The purpose of this study is to provide the legal knowledge about the sports tourism accident to the sports tourism- related people, thereby to enhancing safety consciousness of prevent accidents. In this study, legal issues were discussed about the accident of sports tourism. The results of this study were as follows. The legal nature of contract on the sports tourism has a contract and a mandate contract in mixed nature. Sports tourism agent's safety attention duty is incidental duty by contract of sports tourism. The responsibility of tort and default of obligations are applied in the accidents of sports tourism because the sports tourism agency have a duty to protect sports tourist. Also the faults of travel leader, local guide, land operator have responsibility to sports tourism agency. But sports tourism workers do not accept the unlimited liability, an accident beyond human control(an Act of God) is not pressing charges. Sports tourists also have a duty to protect themselves and comply with safety regulations.
Key Words
sports tourism, accident, tort, default of obligations, responsibility, prevention of safety accident
A Study on Vitalizing the Consume-centered Dance Performances 향유자 중심의 무용공연 활성화 방안
50(1) 197-209, 2011
A Study on Vitalizing the Consume-centered Dance Performances 향유자 중심의 무용공연 활성화 방안
The purpose of this study is to grope for the roles of dance performing groups, enterprises and the government in vitalizing dance performances, from the viewpoint of a consumer. As the 21st century enters the age of culture beyond the age of information, the importance of cultural competence is increasing, and consumers' demand for cultural goods is growing. The advanced countries of culture and art are switching to consumer-centered cultural policies, whereas perceptions on consumers are insignificant in South Korea. Along with this, dance performance is neglected by audience, and performing groups are suffering from financial deficits. Also, the government's financial support to dance performance is conspicuously insufficient compared to that to other genres. Although, for vitalizing the dance performances, high-level quality performance products should be developed through analyzing and reflecting consumers' needs, efforts by dance performing groups alone cannot but have realistic limits. Hence, this study attempted to derive suggestions about the roles of dance performing groups, enterprises, and the government for vitalizing the consumer-centered dance performances, from analyzing through literature study overseas successful cases as well as the actual state of domestic and foreign dance performances.
The Influences of Jointed Grasswort(Salicornia Herbacea L.) Supplementation and Combined Exercise on Body Composition, Muscle Strength, Bone Mineral Density and Blood Biochemical Parameters in Middle-aged Women of 40 Years 함초섭취와 복합운동이 40대 중년 여성의 신체조성, 근력, 골밀도 및 혈중 생화학적 변인에 미치는 영향
The Influences of Jointed Grasswort(Salicornia Herbacea L.) Supplementation and Combined Exercise on Body Composition, Muscle Strength, Bone Mineral Density and Blood Biochemical Parameters in Middle-aged Women of 40 Years 함초섭취와 복합운동이 40대 중년 여성의 신체조성, 근력, 골밀도 및 혈중 생화학적 변인에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to investigate the effects of jointed grasswort (Salicornia herbacea L.) supplementation and combined exercise for 8 weeks on the body composition, bone mineral density (BMD) and blood biochemical parameters in middle-aged women of 40 years. A total of 40 female subjects were recruited in this study, and they were randomly divided into 4 groups as follows; placebo group (n = 10), jointed grasswort group (n = 10), placebo + exercise group (n = 10) and jointed grasswort + exercise group (n = 10). Jointed grasswort group and jointed grasswort + exercise group were supplemented with the jointed grasswort bolus of 15 g a day for 8 weeks, and combined exercise for 8 weeks were performed in placebo + exercise group and jointed grasswort + exercise group. Arm and leg muscle strength were significantly increased in jointed grasswort group (p<.05). When jointed grasswort supplementation and combined exercise were performed simultaneously, weight and blood triglyceride (TG) level were decreased, while arm and leg muscle strength and blood HDL-cholesterol level were significantly increased (p<.05). In conclusion, our data suggest that jointed grasswort supplementation and combined exercise may be useful to improve arm and leg muscle strength, and blood lipid profiles of middle-aged women of 40 years.
Key Words
Body composition, Bone mineral density, Combined exercise, Jointed grasswort and Muscle strength
Effect of Flexion-extension of Hip Joint Difference in Lower Extremity Angular Motion and Joint Moment During Landing 착지 동작 시 힙 관절 굴신 운동 차이가 하지 관절의 각 운동과 모멘트에 미치는 영향
권문석MoonSeokKwon , 김상규SangKyuKim
50(1) 225-234, 2011
Effect of Flexion-extension of Hip Joint Difference in Lower Extremity Angular Motion and Joint Moment During Landing 착지 동작 시 힙 관절 굴신 운동 차이가 하지 관절의 각 운동과 모멘트에 미치는 영향
권문석MoonSeokKwon , 김상규SangKyuKim
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of flexion/extention of hip joint difference in lower extremity angular motion and joint moment during landing. 14 healthy male university student, who had no serious musculoskeletal, coordination, balance or joint/ligament problems within one year prior to the study were participated. To classify the subjects according to flexed vs. extended hip joint motion, we had calculated maximum hip joint angle during landing. Results indicated statistical difference on maximum knee, ankle flexion angle and angular velocity between G1 and G2 group. The knee extension moment showed significantly higher values for G1 group as compared to G2 group. The other side, the ankle extension moment showed significantly lower values for G2 group as compared to G1 group. Futhermore, the contributions of muscle work rate of lower extremity joints for G1 group showed the knee - ankle - hip extensor to contribute 50%, 27%, 23%, whereas the G2 group used 30%, 55%, 15%. Therefor, the flexion-extension of hip joint mainly affected angular motion and extensor joint moment of the lower extremity during landing.
Key Words
flexion-extension, hip joint, Lower extremity, angular motion, joint moment
Effects of Participation in Pilates on Muscular Strength, Proprioception, and Balance of University Students Group 필라테스 운동 참여가 대학생의 근력, 고유수용성 감각 및 균형에 미치는 영향
Effects of Participation in Pilates on Muscular Strength, Proprioception, and Balance of University Students Group 필라테스 운동 참여가 대학생의 근력, 고유수용성 감각 및 균형에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate that pilates exercise treatment for 12 weeks had some effect on muscular strength, proprioception, and balance of university students. For that purpose, a survey was taken among S university in Seoul through convenience sampling. Total 13 participants were collected and treated. Subjects received pilates exercise treatment during 80 minutes, with 2 session per week and measured on the abdominal muscle strenthnening, proprioception, and static balance in pre and post test. First, on muscular strength, participants showed a non-significant improvement in muscular strength. Second, on proprioception, participants got an exercise effect of 61.0% down of the angular error and showed a significant improvement in proprioception. Third, on balance, participants got an exercise effect of 70.1% down in the total sway path of the eyes closed, an exercise effect of 59.9% down in the total sway path of the eye opened, and an exercise effect of 33.7% down in the total sway path of one leg standing. Participants showed a significant improvement in all evaluating position on balance.
Inclusive Physical Education for Students with Disability Using Instructional Adaptation: An Single Subject Research 교수적합화를 통한 장애아동의 통합체육 단일대상연구
이만석ManSeokLee , 이한주HanJLee
50(1) 243-259, 2011
Inclusive Physical Education for Students with Disability Using Instructional Adaptation: An Single Subject Research 교수적합화를 통한 장애아동의 통합체육 단일대상연구
이만석ManSeokLee , 이한주HanJLee
The purpose of this study was (1) to develop an inclusive physical education program using instructional adaptation and (2) to examine the effectiveness of the program. Participants were three third graders with intellectual and developmental disabilities in an elementary school. Instructional adaptation PE program for a ball game unit was developed for the participants considering their characteristics and physical capability. Then, the effects of the program were examined by observing changes in physical activity level, problematic behavior, and class participating level. A single subject research of a reversal design was employed. The results of this study showed that: (1) the program had a positive effect on the MVPA of students with a mental disability, (2) the program showed positive influence on the reduction in problematic behaviors of students with a mental disability, and (3) the program promoted the class activity participation of children with a mental disability. Implication of this action research in a school setting was discussed.
Research of Method for Reduce Korea Record in 100m Sprint 100m 달리기 한국기록 단축을 위한 방안 연구
50(1) 261-269, 2011
Research of Method for Reduce Korea Record in 100m Sprint 100m 달리기 한국기록 단축을 위한 방안 연구
This study was performed to compare & analyze differences in korea & world records for constructal theory & power law in 100 m sprint. By longitudinal study in the macroscopic view, differences of korea & world records were identified by velocity versus body weight or height. In world records, correlation of velocity versus body weight or height was followed by constructal theory. Also, it was statistically significant correlation by power law analysis. But in korea records, that wasn't followed by constructal theory. Also, it was statistically non-significant correlation by power law analysis. That is, world records were followed by constructal theory and power law in correlation of velocity versus body weight or height, but korea records didn't that. This was identified that korea sprinters should be the same body weight & height as world sprinters to reduce korea record in 100 m sprint.